Greetings, Ars Necronomica is written by my friend from Cult of Old Ones (I will paste this text here) , Liber Noname is originally in czech language, I am not sure who is the author. We are working with my collegues on some Mythos Texts, like Necronomicon, Glaaki, On Sending out the Soul etc.Добавлено (21.05.2011, 11:30)
Ars Necronomica
The blind demon Azathoth sits on the throne of Chaos. It is he who
swallows everything, and in the end when he finds the world is naught,
he swallows himself.
Asto Vidad is the evil flier who takes life; as it says when His hand
strokes a man, it is lethargy, when He casts it on the sick one it is
the fever, when He looks in His eyes, takes away life, and they call
it death. The demon of the evil eye is He who will spoil anything that
man sees, if he does not say "In the name of Yog-Sothoth".
With everyone of them are many demons and fiends cooperating, to
specify a second time would be tedious; demons, too, who are furies,
are in great multitude it is said. The demons of ruin, pain, and
decreptitude, producers of vexation and bile, revivers of grief, the
prodigy of gloom, and bringers of stench, decay, and vileness, who are
many, very numerous, and very notorious; and a portion of them is all
mingled in the bodies of men, and their traits are glaring in mankind.
Then two demons remain at large, the Evil One and Azathoth.
Azathoth was the son of Khrutasp, son of Zainigau, son of
Virafsang,...son of Druiaskan, son of the Evil One.
After the apostate shouts like this, and because of it, Azathoth
stands before him, but through fear of the likeness of Fraidaun in the
body of Fraidaun, he does not first remove those fetters and stake
from his trunk until the Evil One removes them. And the vigor of
Azathoth increases, the fetters being removed from his trunk, and his
impetuosity remains; He swallows down the apostate on the
spot........and rushing into the world to perpetrate evil, he commits
innumerable grievous sins; He swallows down one-third of mankind,
cattle, sheep, vegetation, and commits grievous devastation.
And afterwards, when the twelfth millennium comes, through Hucedar-mah
the creatures become more progressive, and he utterly destroys
Azacitra (firstborn son of Azathoth).
When I issued from sweat, and raised my eyes, I saw the world when it
was dark as night; on the whole earth was snakes, scorpions, lizards,
and noxious creatures of many kinds; and so the other kind of
quadrupeds stood among the reptiles; every approach of the whole earth
was though not as much as a needle's point remained, in which there
was no rush of noxious creatures. There was the coming of a planetary
star into planetary conjunction, and the moon and planets in fours and
fives; many dark forms with the face and curse of Azathoth suffered
punishment in company with certain aliens; and I was amazed at calling
the wicked out. Lastly He (the Evil One) came up to the fire, and
mingled darkness and smoke.
Добавлено (21.05.2011, 11:38)
here is my commentary (in czech only)
Note: Tento text se může při letmém přečtení jevit jako nebetyčná pitomost a pro znalce mýtu naprosto nepoužitelný. To je ovšem jen klamné zdání. (letmé přečtení u mne nemohlo být neboť jsem to překládal takže jsem měl čas mimo vztekání že mi některé věty přijdou naprosto na hlavu padlé v mém překladu jsem i přemýšlel nad obsahem textu to je ta krása postižení neustálým myšlením). Praví se zde „Azathoth was the son of Khrutasp, son of Zainigau, son of Virafsang,...son of Druiaskan, son of the Evil One.“ Ano tohle je přece pitomost řeknete si ale není. To co je popsáno v tomto textu je finální destrukce Všehomíra a nový zrod v podobě Azacitry syna Azathotha. Jména která jsou v Ars Necronomica sepsána jsou jména dřívějších již do singularity zhroutivších se Univers. Nynější Universum nese jméno Azathoth vzniklo z umírajícího Khrutasp a po Azathothu se Universum stvoří z jeho prvorozeného syna Azacitry. A ano už mě jeblo úplně.